Tuesday 22 April 2014

Turn your cat into a mouse

The Internet of Things, that’s so last year.  It’s all about the Desktop of Things now – banana keyboards, pet-enabled mice, self-drawn joysticks – all courtesy of the MaKey MaKey Inventors kit

“The Makey what?”, I imagine you typing into your alphabetti spaghetti keyboard.

Just a simple PCB, some crocodile clips, wires and USB lead, it can turn anything conductive into an actuator. Created by US technology experts Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum, it is among the top 40 most funded tech projects on Kickstarter, having received pledges worth over 2000% of its original target. Like a Raspberry Pi for people who don't have the time for programming, or just want a shortcut to fun, MaKey MaKey (= Make anything into a Key) has already spawned an enthusiastic community and is equally appealing to kids, students, makers and serious prototypers. 

So how does it work? 

First, buy the kit from Rapid. Then connect the MaKey Makey board to your PC, laptop or tablet via USB. Connect one end of the crocodile clips to one of the bottom ‘Earth’ inputs and hold the other end. You have “grounded” the electrical circuit. Then attach one end of another crocodile clip lead to an input on the MaKey MaKey board – there are three interfaces, corresponding to a mouse click, the space bar and arrow buttons on your keyboard or joystick. Attach or insert the clip on the other end of the lead to your keyboard or mouse substitute. Touching the connected item will complete the circuit and perform the appropriate action, as if your piece of fruit (for example) was a mouse.  

Using the MaKey MaKey in conjunction with a video game or piece of music software is really where the fun starts. The clever clogs at MaKey MaKey have even developed a number of bespoke programs to help you get started, but all manner of software and apps are out there to help you get creative with sound, art and vision. 

“But what can I use as my new keyboard?”, I imagine you tweeting, via characters created by splashing around in some internet-enabled buckets.

Pretty much anything that carries an electrical current: 
  • Fruit & vegetables & most foodstuffs
  • People
  • Metal - coins, aluminium foil
  • Water
  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Pets
Yes, even pets. This will very much depend on the relationship you have with your pooch or moggie, but you could use your dogs as piano keys, as this chap has done, or create a photo booth activated by a drinking cat. It will certainly be harmless.

See a gallery of MaKey MaKey projects here.

The MaKey MaKey Inventors Kit is now available from Rapid. The world is your keyboard!

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