Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Season's Tweetings

These are some of the posts that you found popular on Rapid's social media channels this year. 

This one seemed to strike a chord back in January. An electrical engineer from Vancouver who licks live wire, puts his finger into power sockets and basically does all the things with electrical current that you MUST not do. Last time we checked (last week), he was still very much with us. If you were wondering, we cannot stress how much you should not try this at home.

Continuing the theme of 'Doing Great Harm to Yourself with Electronics', there was more than an element of schadenfreude at work pointing out the mistakes in these 'stock shots'. 

We were a familiar sight at Raspberry Pi Jams this year, right across East Anglia.

Pepper the robot was pretty much everywhere!

A sugar-spinning robot called Shirley was one of the stars of the Big Bang Fair. It was made by our Education Manager Chris for TV's food and science showman Stefan Gates. From there Shirley went on to meet the BBC's Director General and appear on Channel 5's The Right Stuff. 

OK, we were new to Instagram. But everyone's got to start somewhere.  

A photo posted by Rapid Electronics (@rapidelectronics) on

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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

The Time, according to Turing, is ...

The 'Gemini in Tempore' clock
No one makes clocks quite like Paul Parry.

His exquisite timepieces use as their central component nixie tubes - the glass vacuum tubes with an electrical element that were once used as displays in test equipment, petrol pumps, industrial machinery, medical, retail and military equipment. But the nixie tubes are not the only recycled item that Paul uses in his clocks. Vintage oscilloscopes, tube radios, resistor boxes, radiograms, car horns, ohm meters, gearing wheels - nothing is beyond being salvaged, buffed up and made a decorative or integral part of a Bad Dog Designs creation. 

The only modern parts Paul uses are the microprocessors, microcontrollers and components that actually control the electronics of each clock.

It has been a whirlwind 18 months or so since Rapid last met Paul. He has now moved the business from his spare room to a dedicated business unit, and while he still has a day job as a logistics manager, the clocks are taking over. "I would estimate that in the next six months I will be working full time on the clocks", says Paul.

The commissions have been flooding in. He has made six versions of a Steampunk clock for the Dr Who fanclub, is close to delivering 'Wilson', a 5-foot high robot destined for the lobby of a Singapore hotel, and has even moved into nixie wristwatches. Every single bit of 'Wilson' has been made from reclaimed industrial parts, while interest in Paul's work has resulted in a number of media appearances and award nominations. He has been shortlisted for the 2016 Arts & Crafts Design Awards and earlier this year won a Theo Paphitis Small Business Sunday award.  

The 'Turing'

Since finishing the 'Gemini in Tempore' clock (above) last year, Paul has been juggling a number of projects. Among his favourite have been the 'Turing' series of timepieces. "I appreciate the work of Alan Turing, so I made a small clock out of an old resistance box, which seemed to go down well," Paul says. "A client in the US asked if I could make a bigger one that looked more like the actual Turing Bombe. So I did some research and made contact with the Welchman Bombe rebuild team, who painstakingly rebuilt the Bombe at Bletchley Park and they kindly gave me some of the original drawings."

Paul at work
"With these I then completely built the clock from scratch, knowing that the end result would be a 1:1 replica of the original. I have since taken the clock over to the project manager of the Welchman Bombe rebuild team and he was more than happy with it - which for me was a brilliant moment."

What has been the most unusual part you have reclaimed?

"How about a 1920s clocking in machine, complete with a helium neon laser tube in the middle? I've also had a radio out of a Russian Mig21 with a bullet hole in the middle. That's pretty random."


Thursday, 22 September 2016

The Beagle(Core) Has Landed

It has been one of the most searched terms on our website over the summer. But what is 'BeagleCore', and why is it creating such a buzz?

Every day thousands of electronics designers make use of the BeagleBone platform to develop innovative solutions and products. Transforming these solutions into mass production is expensive and labour-intensive. With BeagleCore™ that is all about to change ...

Based on BeagleBone architecture, BeagleCore™ is a much smaller, simpler device - a powerful postage-stamp size building block for creating and testing new technologies for industrial and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

The BeagleCore BCM1 is a miniaturised computer module for industrial or commercial applications that can be integrated into custom PCBs, introducing new opportunities for developers of professional hardware solutions. The BeagleCore™ BCM1 can be used, for example, to create controllers for water treatment plants as well as interactive touch displays for mobile measuring equipment in rugged environments.

The BeagleCore™ BCM1 module matches the core functions of the BeagleBone Black or Green, but can be embedded into your own baseboard or the BCS1 baseboard (included as part of the starter kit), making it ideal for industrial design and development.  
The BCS1 starter kit

The BeagleCore BCS1 starter-kit serves as a quick start development platform and combines the BCM1 computer module with a standardised baseboard to provide the expansion and connection opportunities needed to develop Internet of Things (IoT) or embedded industrial projects. The BCS1 baseboard includes two USB ports, Ethernet, HDMI and SD port and 2 x 46-pin GPIO headers. The layout is compatible with BeagleBone Black capes and peripherals.

The BeagleCore runs the same operating system (OS) software as the BeagleBone boards including Debian, Android and Ubuntu. There is a comprehensive getting started guide which also includes links to the latest OS images. And because the BCS1 is 100% open source you can download the schematics, BoM and other files from the BeagleCore Github repository.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Recycling is the reel thing for Ravi

Ravi Toor, founder of Filamentive
Finding the gap in any market is crucial to the success of any business proposition. Finding it in an emerging technology or market is something of a holy grail. Young businessman Ravi Toor has managed to do both!

Filamentive, the business Ravi started while still a student at the University of Leeds, specialises in sustainably sourced 3D printing materials. Reels of Filamentive PLA and PET filament are made from 90% recycled sources, becoming the most environmentally friendly 3D filament to reach the marketplace.

It has been quite a year for Ravi. Last summer he won a Shell LiveWIRE Smarter Future Award, which recognises the work of young entrepreneurs, scooping £5,000 for the business. He was also shortlisted for the Shell LiveWIRE Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Recently he has just signed his first distribution deal for Filamentive with Rapid Electronics. All this before he has even graduated!

We caught up with him recently to find out a bit more about Filamentive.


Rapid: So Ravi, what was your original inspiration for Filamentive? 

Ravi: I have been involved in desktop 3D printing since 2013 so I also gained experience of the consumables market. I realised that most filament was coming from China and so there were understandably quality and labour issues, not to mention the environmental impact of using fossil-based plastic and the huge carbon footprint associated with imports. My degree in Environment and Business gave me the background understanding of sustainability practices and ethical business. I realised there was a need to address the quality and sustainability issues surrounding filament given the fact that it is a plastic product.


Rapid: What are the special qualities of filament made from recycled materials?

Ravi: There is a stigma around recycled 3D printer filament that it is not the same quality as the virgin alternative. This is why at Filamentive we wanted to find a way of producing a recycled filament without compromising on quality. The first stage is to ensure the feedstock (waste stream) is homogenous without debris particles. In terms of formulation, a 100% recycled filament is not possible as additives are needed for colour, compound stabilise and strength, which is why our PLA and PET is 90% recycled; in effect 90% is environmentally friendly and 10% ensures quality and consistency.

Production wise, state-of-the-art machinery is needed to compound, pelletise and extrude in order to meet strict diameter and roundness tolerances. In a world of ever-increasing environmental awareness, both consumers and business are looking for ethical and recycled alternatives in order to reduce their carbon footprint, increase sustainability and feel good about helping the environment.   



Rapid: What extra costs are involved in sourcing sustainably?

Ravi: Of course we are advocates of European production as opposed to manufacturing in the Far East. Although this is more expensive we believe the costs are justified given that it is paying good wages for those involved in Filamentive. In addition, research and development is expensive, especially when you want to develop a new material.


Rapid: Can your filament be used in any 3D printer?

Ravi: Yes, we pride ourselves on compatibility. We offer 1.75mm as well as 2.85mm (3mm) diameters in every material we sell. Some of the more abrasive materials such as carbon fibre may wear standard nozzles faster than PLA for example, but steel nozzles can be purchased for £5 online so that solves the problem!


Rapid: What in your view has been the most exciting development of 3D printing technology?

Ravi: Firstly the innovation in FDM 3D over the past decade has been phenomenal. The machines we see today for £1000 are the same spec as machines that cost £50,000 a decade ago. A few years ago only large businesses and universities could afford the technology, now we see small businesses, hobbyists and even kids being able to afford a 3D printer and reap the benefits of the technology. Also from a materials point of view, the development of exotic composites such as wood, carbon fibre and metals have really advanced desktop 3D printing!

Rapid: What advice would you give other young entrepreneurs?

Ravi: Simple. Just do it! if you have a business idea then pursue it to the best of your ability. Youth is on our side; the average young person in their late teens/early twenties does not have a mortgage or any of the baggage of adult life. Even if it does not go to plan then the impact will not be as serious and you will definitely benefit from the experience. If you are at university then definitely speak to your institution about enterprise support and funding. At the University of Leeds, over £50,000 is available in enterprise funding, not to mention the support network of successful alumni and experienced career advisors.


Rapid: How do you see Filamentive developing over the next five years?

Ravi: The aim for Filamentive is to become a global material brand within 3D printing, known for our quality and sustainability; serving resellers and distributors throughout the world. Currently we only offer thermoplastics for 3D printing but it would also be interesting to enter the market for SLA resins and powers for industrial 3D printing. We also want to link with industry and create tangible products from their waste (for example making filament from old toys) in order to reduce waste, promote reuse and lower filament costs for clients.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Shirley the sensational sugar spinning robot: Part 2

In the second part of his blog about building 'Shirley', his Big Bang Fair robot, Rapid's Education Manager Chris Calver (right) concludes the build and hands it over to Stefan Gates for its starring role in the 'Quantum Mechanical Chocolate Factory'.

Shirley was starting to take shape in the last blog. The sugar spinning and thermal imaging parts were done. Now I needed to come up with a way to fire a Malteser - as you do.

Now, as it happened, I was refereeing at a VEX Robotics Competition at the time of the build and the 2015/16 challenge, Nothing but Net, required teams to fire foam balls into a goal. Whilst these balls are much bigger and heavier than a light and airy chocolate snack, the concept is the same. Teams were using all sorts of mechanisms to fire the balls and I am not at all afraid to say that I shamelessly stole the idea for my launcher from team 3117, the Sterling Sharks of Stanborough School.

The mechanism is very simple. It consists of a linear slide with a rack gear mounted on the top. The slide can be moved along by rotating the gear.

By cutting a few of the teeth off the gear, there is a period in each rotation where the slider can run freely under the gear. The slider itself is spring-loaded with elastic bands and the kinetic energy in the bands is released quickly in the few moments where there are no teeth on the drive gear holding the slide in place.

It took a few different versions to get this working reliably but after a few mangled Maltesers, it was up and chucking! I started off driving the 36-tooth gear directly but the motors did not quite have enough grunt so I added a 3:1 gearbox which gives it enough power. Later on, I upgraded it to four motors. It’s probably overkill, but I wanted it to fire reliably in the show.

Now all the functional parts of the robot were complete, I started adding some finishing touches. The right arm will have a shoulder and elbow joint as well as a claw that can open and close to grab objects.

The shoulder works in exactly the same way and utilises the same gear ratios as the left arm. It’s powered by two motors which are placed down in the base of the chassis next to the left shoulder motors.

The elbow joint uses a single motor which drives a first stage gearbox using a 3:1 reduction. The motor is placed as close to the shoulder joint as possible, to reduce the weight at the end of the upper arm which means the shoulder will have less strain on it. Power is then transferred to the elbow joint via a chain and sprockets with a 4:1 reduction in gear ratio. This gives a total elbow gear ratio of 12:1.

With most of the skeleton complete, it was time to add the VEX IQ Brain that would control the motors and then get it wired up.

The arms, head and launcher use a total of 12 motors which just so happens to be the number of ports on a VEX IQ Brain so I can run all the upper body stuff from the same Brain. The drive base to make the robot move around the floor will need four motors as well; these will be driven from a separate Brain.

I was using a pair of 4" VEX EDR wheels on each side of the front of the robot with omni-directional 4" EDR wheels on the back which essentially act as a castor. Each pair of front wheels is driven by two motors. The two motors are linked together using two 36-tooth gears so both motors drive the same shaft.

With the robot now mobile, I went back to the launcher and added two additional motors giving it a total of four. In this image, you can see the teeth that have been cut off the green gear to give it the “slip gear” functionality.

The robot then needed programming so that the controls were as simple as possible for Stefan and his team to operate on stage. This meant writing a program that would calibrate the arms when the robot was first switched on so that I had some datum points to work from. I could then make single button presses that moved various parts of the robot to the correct positions for the show. You can check out the ROBOTC code here.

With everything sorted mechanically, there was just enough time to add a few final touches by cladding the robot in VEX IQ plates and giving it some yellow IQ hair. Finally, into the back seat of the car for the short journey down the A12 to drop the robot off with Stefan in London and await show time!

Stefan's show was called the 'Quantum Mechanical Chocolate Factory' and ran three times a day for the four days of the Big Bang Fair. Shirley was certainly one of the stars:

Shirley's fame has been more than fleeting - since the Big Bang Fair my robot has appeared with Stefan on Channel 5's The Wright Stuff, played shows in Butlins and entertained the Director General of the BBC at the BBC Food Awards!

Monday, 18 April 2016

Shirley the sensational sugar spinning robot: Part 1

For this year's Big Bang Fair, Rapid's Education Manager Chris Calver (right) collaborated with TV presenter Stefan Gates on his live show. The brief: to build a sugar-spinning, Malteser firing, thermal imaging robot. This is the first part of how he did it. 

I think it is fair to say that this is one of the most bizarre robot builds I have done but at the same time, also one of the most interesting.

Stefan Gates, perhaps better known as The Gastronaut, is a television presenter, author and live performer who describes himself as a Food Adventurer. To find out more about Stefan, check out his website.

Stefan does a live stage show at the Big Bang Fair each year. His shows are well known for providing an energetic, exhilarating yet hugely educational experience and 2016 was no different. This year’s show was entitled Gastronaut and the Quantum Mechanical Chocolate Factory and Stefan decided it would be cool to incorporate some robots into the performance.

Stefan Gates & 'Shirley'

I got chatting with Stefan at the Bett Show in January and we worked out a couple of ways that we could incorporate a robot into the stage show. What we needed was a robot that could fire Maltesers, spin sugar and give the audience a thermal imaged view of the world ...

It was harder than it sounded. This is how I built the robot that came to be known as 'Shirley' ...

The design

Stefan had pretty much left the design up to me. There were some basic criteria with size and he also sent me a knife steel which needed to be incorporated for the sugar spinner. Other than that, I was on my own. I wanted to make the robot look as much like a large VEX IQ robot as possible and I was also keen to use the VEX IQ motors to make the wiring simpler. However, the size of it and the fact that it needed to travel well and be relatively maintenance-free meant that I would build the bulk of the frame out of VEX aluminium and screw it all together with nyloc nuts.

The first task was to screw together the basic metal chassis so that I had a basis to design all the rest of the parts to. It’s made from 7 pieces of standard 1x5x35 hole VEX aluminium C-Channel and bolted together using nyloc nuts. I also bolted a couple of pieces of IQ plastic to the chassis just to check that it was going to be easy enough to interface the VEX IQ motors with the VEX EDR metal.

The chassis

Next job was to take the knife steel and work out a way to rotate it at approximately 45rpm as requested by Stefan - this forms the sugar spinner of the robot. It’s fairly weighty so I needed to come up with a way to support the steel at either end of the handle.

Conveniently, the knife steel that Stefan provided has a nice square profile on the handle which will make it easier to clamp to and rotate it. The clamp part is mounted to a VEX IQ turntable. I then built a frame to house the whole of the handle of the steel and at the other end of this frame is another IQ turntable. I drilled a hole in the centre so that the blade of the steel will protrude through and this will provide a perfect rotatable support.

What to do with the camera?

Next, I started to look at how to house the thermal imaging camera on the robot. The camera I am using is the FLIR i3, partly because this is what I had to hand and partly because it can be used as a USB webcam. This will allow us to connect it to a laptop and ultimately, to the large screen at the back of the stage. A quick test at my desk was looking good so I set about working on a way to mount it on the robot.

Now the FLIR i3 is a rather unwieldy beast and not really the ideal camera for this application. However, I like a challenge so I stuck with it!

It’s too big to use as one of the robot’s eyes, so I decided to give the robot a wide mouth and have the camera there instead. This also means I could hide the long handle of the camera in the neck area.

The first job was to build a frame around the camera that held it securely and could then be used to mount it to the robot. Once I had a secure frame, I then needed to make it a little bit more like a face so added some eyes using VEX IQ wheels and temporary eyebrows. I’ll change them for coloured plastic later and also add a mouth once it is fixed to the robot and everything is working.

Shirley's thermal imaging mouth

So back to the sugar spinner - I now needed to mount this to the robot. The whole thing is pretty weighty so I decided I'd use 2 VEX IQ motors using a fairly substantial reduction gear ratio to raise and lower the arm.

The shoulder joint pivots on an axle with two 60-tooth gears mounted to the frame of the arm. These 60-tooth gears will be rotated by a 12-tooth pinion giving a gear ratio of 5:1 at the shoulder.

To make sure there was plenty of space for the head mechanism at the top of the robot, the two motors that would actually control the raising and lowering of the arm were mounted in the bottom of the robot’s body. The two motors are connected together with a pair of 36-tooth gears and then chain and sprockets are used to transfer the rotational movement up to the shoulder. This uses an 8-tooth sprocket at the motor end and a 32-tooth sprocket at the shoulder end giving a first-stage gear ratio of 4:1. This means the total gear ratio of the whole mechanism is 20:1 which will give it plenty of grunt.

When in use, the arm needs to stick out at 90 degrees in front of the robot and when rested it sits at approximately 20 degrees so with the 20:1 ratio, it will take approximately 2.3 seconds to raise and lower.

The sugar spinner

Look out, here comes the maths part!

A VEX IQ motor has a maximum output speed of 100rpm. Our gear ratio is 20:1 so the speed at the shoulder is 100/20 = 5rpm.

5rpm is equal to 1800 degrees per minute (360 x 5) or 30 degrees per second (1800/60). Our arm needs to move through approximately 70 degrees in total and 70 / 30 gives us 2.3 seconds. In reality, it will be a bit slower than this as the motor won’t hit 100rpm under load but it will be fast enough for me!

Now to make the head move.

It doesn’t need to rotate left and right, just raise up and down so that Stefan and his team can aim the camera at an object in front of the robot. I needed to keep the motor out of the way of the handle of the thermal imaging camera so it didn’t block its path as it swings through. To do this, I created a chain of three 36-tooth gears. The first gear in the chain is driven by a 12-tooth pinion which is connected to the motor. The third gear shares an axle with another 12-tooth pinion forming a compound gear which drives a final 36-tooth gear giving a total gear ratio of 9:1. We don’t need much torque here so I’ll control the speed by slowing the motor down in my program.

About halfway through the build

In the next blog I will tell you how the rest of the build went, and what happened when Shirley took to the stage!

Monday, 21 March 2016

VEX IQ Ball Sorter Project

For every Bett show, Rapid's Education Manager Chris Calver (right) builds a display robot to show the capability of the VEX EDR and VEX IQ robotics platforms. This is his build blog for the Bett 2016 model. 

For Bett 2015, I built a ball transporter system from VEX IQ to demonstrate some of the autonomous capability of VEX IQ. The ball transporter was inspired by an 80s Tomy toy called Big Loader - a cyclic system where balls were passed from one vehicle to another around a track.

For 2016, we had some grand ideas about the Bett VEX IQ autonomous display, but time was against me and with a 7-month-old daughter to entertain, my evenings and weekends were pretty full. And so I found myself just over a week away from Bett without an autonomous display model or a sensible plan! I cleared 2 days in my diary and got to work ...

I had already decided that I wanted to use the new coloured balls from the VEX IQ range as the focal point. I had also decided that I wanted to incorporate some 3D printing into the design and came up with the idea of building a VEX IQ train that ran on a 3D printed track. I knocked up a test locomotive and got to work designing the sections of rail using Autodesk Inventor. Once that was done, it was time to do a few test prints and see if the loco would move on the track. The gauge I was working in was pretty large and even using our UP BOX 3D printer which has a large print area, I could only print one small section of track at a time.

Once the first few straights and corners were off, I got testing and after many failures and redesigns of the loco, I had to concede that I wasn't going to be able to hit the deadline. Having wasted a day, I needed to come up with something else quickly and before long had settled on a simple ball sorter.

The Armbot

The Armbot

Motors: 3 - rotate, shoulder and elbow

Sensors: 1 Bumper switch. Current sensing and integrated encoders are used on all motors for positional control

My colleague Dave had already built up a standard VEX IQ Armbot from an IQ Starter Kit using the standard instructions. I had planned to use this to unload  my ill-fated train so thought I could incorporate it into this model. To make it easy for the Armbot to handle the small plastic balls, I replaced the claw with a bucket. The bucket itself is not motorised: instead it is tipped as it hits the hopper of the second part of the system ...

The elevator robot

The Elevator

1 - controls both conveyor and elevator

1 Bumper switch to detect when Ball Sorter is in position. Note: the elevator shares a Brain with the Silo

This is a really simple robot that runs off just one motor and a bump switch. At the bottom it has a large hopper for collecting the balls delivered by the Armbot. In the bottom of the hopper is a conveyor made from tank treads which moves the ball towards the elevator. The elevator is linked mechanically by gears to the conveyor and so used the same motor for power. Again, tank treads are used as the belt with connectors spaced evenly around its length. These act as the paddles that lift the balls inside the elevator body. I did at first try the rubber intake flaps that come with the tank tread kit, but these were too flexible and made it hard to collect the balls at the bottom of the elevator.

When the balls reach the second tier of the model, they are ejected from the front of the elevator and are placed into another hopper ...

The Ball Sorter

Motors: 3 - Ball release, ball feed and lateral movement

Sensors: 2 - Colour sensor, touch LED

This is the business end of the model, the part that actually sorts the balls into their separate colours. The ball packs contain red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, black and white balls. I only wanted to use the colours so put the black and white to one side.

Firstly, I made a chute with a colour sensor at the end. The colour sensor is placed just above a trapdoor which is controlled by a motor. At this stage, I just wanted to calibrate the colour sensor to be able to detect each ball colour. To do this, I ran the ROBOTC debugger so I could see live data from my colour sensor. I then put all the red balls in one at a time, noting down each of the hue values returned. I then did the same for all the other colours with the aim being that I would be able to set a minimum and maximum hue value to represent each colour. Anything between each of these minimums and maximums could be considered a match.

Here is a nice little clip VEX posted of the ball sorter in action:

I noticed that the reds gave very similar readings to the orange, so with little time to work on a solution I discarded the reds to avoid any errors. The below table shows the thresholds which were set for each colour. Notice that each has quite a large window of possibility which helps reduce errors.

With the thresholds set, I could now do some reliability tests. Using the Touch LED to display the detected colour, I put a few hundred balls through and tweaked the thresholds until it was completely reliable for each colour. 

Now I needed to make an automated feed to send the balls from the hopper and down the chute to the colour sensor. This was achieved using a single motor with a sprocket with four rubber flaps attached. Rather than have a sensor to detect when the hopper is empty, the program uses a time-out system. If the colour sensor does not receive a ball for a set period of time, it assumes the hopper is empty and returns to the Elevator to collect more balls. 

Finally, linear motion slides were used to give the side-to-side movement. A single motor drives the whole unit along using a rack and pinion system. The robot accurately positions itself using the motor encoder before releasing a ball into the correct tube. 

The ball sorter

The Silos

4 - 2x door motors, ball dispenser and signal to Armbot

Sensors: Touch LED to show status, Bumper Switch to detect Armbot

The balls are sorted into silos which are made from lengths of clear acrylic pipe. At the end of the pipes is a door which is hoisted by two motors. This door keeps the balls in the silos allowing them to fill up in their correctly-sorted into colours. Periodically, the door opens to let the balls roll out onto the ramp below. A roller with rubber intake flaps ensures against over-filling, by dispensing only a small amount of the balls to the Armbot at any one time.

The Silos
Once the balls are dispensed, a signal is given to the Armbot by a motor which hits the Armbot's Bumper Switch. Once the load has been dumped at the hopper, the Armbot signals its return by hitting another Bumper Switch underneath the ramp and the cycle begins again.

All programming written using ROBOTC 4.0 for VEX. 

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Bigger, better and just a little more Jammy

The second Ipswich Raspberry Jam took place on Saturday February 27th and the verdict was unanimous amongst visitors, organisers and speakers alike - more, please!

Suffolk can be sleepy at times but this was an event that showed how this part of the world has fully woken up to the power of the Raspberry Pi. After the success of their inaugural event last summer, organisers the Ipswich Makerspace found a bigger venue, the Waterfront Building, University Campus Suffolk, and were still able to sell it out, with over 140 people of all ages attending.

Mind Controlled Racing at the Ipswich Raspberry Jam

Guest speakers included Dave Roxburgh, who showed how to use the Raspberry Pi to write extensions for Minecraft and in-world Minecraft games; Matthew Applegate, founder of Suffolk's Creative Computing Club and an advocate in coding in education; and Jason Alexander, a wildlife and photography blogger who uses the Pi in nature projects such as bird-box webcams. One of the star attractions was the Mind Controlled Racing, a slot car racing track which uses the power of players' thoughts as the fuel to propel the cars.

"We expected a good mix of adults and children would attend so we put on something for everyone", said Stephen Chalkley of the Ipswich Makerspace. "There was a talk on coding with Minecraft and we had some Raspberry Pi’s they could practice on, which was very popular with the younger kids. We had a mini-careers session with three of our guest speakers motivating the older children to think technical. For adults, there was a great wildlife photography presentation and the opportunity to talk technical, something that probably bores their friends and family!"

"We managed to pack a lot into the day but the highlights have to be the mind-controlled racing cars, the Minecraft talk, and robots, robots, robots. Another great day, and we will be doing it again. I have to thank University Campus Suffolk for the venue and support and Rapid for sponsoring us."

Dave Roxburgh during his talk on Minecraft
Chalkley himself gave a talk about the Ipswich Makerspace, which aims to help people get the most out of technology either as a career or as a hobby. "We are giving them a place to go with tools and equipment they couldn’t justify buying themselves, such as a 3D printer, or electronic test equipment." If you are interested in finding out more about the Makerspace you can join their mailing list.

Events like this show how the maker movement is spreading electronics skills to people who had never previously picked up a soldering iron. As Chalkley says: "There really has never been a better time to get involved with technology, whether you want to stream live video from a bird box in your garden, automate your home or simply have fun by building a robot or a quadcopter."

Rapid was delighted to sponsor the event, which took place in the midst of a rather busy period for the Raspberry Pi community. Two days later the Raspberry Pi 3 was released, and the following weekend saw the Pi Party, a two-day event celebrating the 4th birthday of the Raspberry Pi.  

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

NAO dance 2016!

Coding, programming, 3D printing and robot dancing - the Rapid stand at Bett 2016 was a hive of activity once again. We did brisk business throughout the four days of the UK's biggest educational technology show, showcasing the very best in new STEM resources at our stand. We also shared our space with the people behind some of our new products, such as the MeArm robotics kit and the CodeBug mini wearable computer.

A popular feature was the VEX IQ coloured ball sorter, which collects balls of different colours and deposits them in different tubes depending on their colour. Built and programmed by our Education manager Chris Calver, the ball sorter is a project in the 'Smarter Machines Unit Challenge' section of the VEX IQ curriculum.

Stealing the show, however, was the NAO robot, whose dancing and football moves caught the attention of everyone, including the organisers. Behind the cute and playful exterior, there is a serious side to NAO. It is an educational tool which can help children learn programming, and be used in SEN teaching.   

Here are some other highlights from our time at the exhibition, captured on social media.

You just can't keep a good robot out of the limelight.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Screwdriver + Enthusiasm = MeArm

The MeArm robot
The highly respected Lifehacker website has called it "the perfect Arduino project for beginners". What could be cooler? A pocket-sized kit which includes everything to build and program a robotic arm for less than £80.

All you need is a "screwdriver and enthusiasm" - the robotics parts are pre-cut from acrylic, and the four servo motors can be connected to the Arduino or Orangepip compatible "Brains Board" - the MeArm's bespoke controller. Full build instructions and a simple joystick are provided, and the Brains Board is shipped with some code pre-installed. There are currently two versions of the kit - a complete kit with all components included, and a 'Maker' version which just contains the acrylic parts and servos.

It can be built from scratch, then programmed in Scratch - the drag and drop language used widely by children in primary and secondary schools.

It has all been a bit of a rollercoaster for Benjamin Gray, the creator of MeArm, which he hopes can become "the most accessible Robotics learning tool in the world".

Being featured on The Gadget Show was an early boost. Then in December 2014, within 24 hours of the project being launched on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform, it reached its initial funding goal (subsequent goals such as hexagonal keys, Wii compatible pads and Bluetooth support were also met). The buzz about the MeArm spread last year and was picked up by several distributors.

Ben Gray

When he attended the Pi Wars event in Cambridge at the beginning of last month, the interest in the MeArm took Ben by surprise. Among those flocking to his stand were representatives from Rapid. We worked quickly and little more than five weeks later the MeArm is in stock at Rapid - an almost unprecedented turnaround for a new supplier. "I had assumed this was how you guys operated - Rapid by name and nature", Ben says. Well to a degree - but there was something about the MeArm that sped the process up. In short, MeArm ticks all the right boxes - it is educational, open source, breaks down knowledge walls (eg. how to wire up and program a robot), is ideal for primary age children and genuinely inspirational. 

But what inspired Ben to develop the MeArm?

"I saw a product on Kickstarter that said it was Open Source, Educational and Accessible", Ben told us this week. "When I looked further than that headline it wasn't any of those things - which really irritated me. Rather than spend my energy ranting in the comments section I turned it into designing the MeArm."

Sharing the knowledge that went into the MeArm has always been a key part of the project. In fact, Ben is something of an open source evangelist. He makes a distinction between 'open-washing' and truly 'open source' projects: according to Ben, if the source code and design files cannot be found within ten minutes of discovering a project, it does not deserve the name. All the MeArm laser cutting files are available online, so people can build the robotic parts themselves from their own acrylic sheets. The source code is available here.

What is your ultimate aim for the project?

"To make the most accessible Robotics learning tool in the world", says Ben. "Something that was at a great price and packed in as much learning potential as possible. The fact that you can do some very basic coding to get it working but also do advanced robotics coding means we're a little way towards that goal."

The terms of its open source license helps with the aim of getting the MeArm into schools. Tutorials and programming code developed by MeArm users around the world can be made available when Ben sells the product to schools. This week he is demonstrating MeArm at Rapid's stand at Bett 2016, the UK's largest educational technology show:

What's next for MeArm? What does 2016 have in store?

"There's a lot in the pipeline for MeArm. We'd like to be continually improving our documentation, design and production techniques. We make everything in the UK so we can improve it as quickly as possible. There are also some new products on the way, but that's all I'll say about them for now!"

Rapid not only stock the kits but has supplied Ben through the years of prototyping and design. Ben tells us that "Rapid have been vital, not only in the development but the production of the MeArm. We get all of our solder from you and a lot of the components that go into the product. Because your service is so fast we don't have to hold a lot of stock, giving us better cash flow."

The MeArm is now available from Rapid.